December 3, 2018
min read
3Ψ joins a pan-European Consortium of industry and academia, led by the Testing Research & Standards Center (TRSC) of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) S.A. Greece, in the research proposal submission “Large Industrial Piping Systems Lifetime Extension Based on Antifouling and Stress Rehabilitation - LISAR”, submitted under the Horizon 2020 call for proposals “DT-FOF-06-2019: Refurbishment and re-manufacturing of large industrial equipment” of the European Commission Work Programme "Digitising and transforming European industry and services". In our proposal, 20 leading European Universities and large industries join forces to provide a holistic approach to the problem of health assessment, anti-fouling and lifetime extension of heat exchangers, tubes and piping systems in industrial sites, such as chemical plants, oil & gas refineries, and deep-sea vessels.
- Innovative Workflow
- Automated and AI-enabled Design
- Structural Optimization
- Customization and Comfort for All